
Laurelhurst Market

147 yerli sakin tövsiyə edir,

Yerlilərdən ipucları

Robert & Lauren
March 1, 2020
Great rotating bistro style American
August 28, 2019
Fancy butcher shop and restaurant. A Portland staple. Again, right on Burnside, about a mile way.
August 23, 2019
Really tasty steakhouse. They also have a really good meat counter to take home and cook and epic steak.
December 13, 2016
There are 2 doors and it matters which one you walk through. One is for a fancy schmancy steakhouse where you'll have the best steak of your life served on a sizzling platter that will very nearly break the bank. The other door is the one I'd suggest walking through. A walk up deli counter where you can choose from an amazing assortment of meats + cheeses and eat one of the best sandwiches of your life. Great place to grab a few sandwiches to split on a nice picnic up on Mt. Tabor.
There are 2 doors and it matters which one you walk through. One is for a fancy schmancy steakhouse where you'll have the best steak of your life served on a sizzling platter that will very nearly break the bank. The other door is the one I'd suggest walking through. A walk up deli counter where you…
October 23, 2016
Portland's best steaks butchered in house plus a take out counter filled with housemade charcuterie.

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Yerlilər də tövsiyə edir

3155 E Burnside St
Portland, OR