Maraq nöqtəsi

Chinatown Sydney

190 yerli sakin tövsiyə edir,
84 Dixon St
Haymarket, NSW

Yerlilərdən ipucları

April 27, 2019
Take a trip to Chinatown. Enjoy the vibrant culture, the great food or the shopping.
June 4, 2018
Sydney's Chinatown is near Central Station and it takes only a little time and effort to get there from Strathfield. However, yum cha / dim sum in Chinatown is one of our most favourite things to do on a lazy Sunday.
March 13, 2016
Withing walking distance is china town. Caters for all people and is a great experience. Some incredible food, shopping and other exciting things to see.
March 11, 2016
Great for food and culture
November 26, 2015
If your after some reasonable priced souvenirs then Paddys' Market in China Town is the place to go.

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